I am changing my vehicle or address, what do I do?

I am changing my vehicle or address, what do I do?

If you require a change of vehicle for your permit, you no longer need to cancel your permit. You can log into your parking account and submit a request for a change of vehicle. 

On your Account Summary screen, click on the ‘View’ button next to the permit you wish to change. On the next screen, select the ‘Change Vehicle details’ tab and follow the instructions. You will need to upload one proof of vehicle ownership for your new vehicle, such as your vehicle registration document (V5C) or your insurance certificate and schedule, showing your name, address and new vehicle registration number.

Your new vehicle will not be covered to park until your change request has been approved. If you require instant cover for your new vehicle, you can use the ‘Apply for Temp Cover’ option or use visitor vouchers to park until your application is processed. We aim to process all applications within 3 working days.

You may have to pay an additional fee if your new vehicle has a higher CO2 emission rate. If the CO2 emission is lower you may receive a refund, which will be credited to your account within 28 days of us processing your request.

If you submit a cancellation of your permit and your permit is then cancelled, you will not be able to use the change of vehicle function.