Tower Hamlets Community Housing

Tower Hamlets Community Housing



We will analyse and publish annually our ethnicity pay gap information for our staff group and the ethnic profile of our executive team and Board. We will deliver on our action plan to increase opportunities for Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic staff to progress. We already analyse access to our key services and resident satisfaction by diversity strands and report on this annually to our Operations Committee and will continue to do so.

Targeted interventions

We use our resident profile data to tailor how we communicate and engage with residents to ensure the options for involvement are inclusive and that our service offer recognises particular needs that communities have in relation to their housing requirements. Our main maintenance contractor Axis ensures that their trades people understand the importance of the home to the residents of Tower Hamlets, through their ongoing campaign, ‘My Mum’s house.’ They have recently relaunched it, and it highlights the respect they want their teams to deliver as part of the service offer. In addition, Axis ensure processes are in place, so their scheduling teams are aware of people with additional needs, protected characteristics and once these needs are identified they ensure the tradespeople understand any additional steps they need to take for residents to feel safe and respected in their home. Through our community development work, we provide a safe and accommodating space for all members of the community to access to deliver or take part in wide range of activities, from youth clubs delivering services to the BAME community, social clubs where older members of the community meet to groups tailored for disabled Asian women in the community. Many of our groups are led by members of the BAME community resulting in a mixed and vibrant feel to activities delivered from our centres.


Our average BAME representation at Manager level up to Executive Team was 32% as at 31 March 2021. We have set a target to increase Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic representation at Manager - Executive level(s) to 37% by 31 March 2023. Our target is reflective of our organisational size.


We work with our main contractors to ensure they meet our expectations on equality and diversity and have shared the Borough’s pledge with our main maintenance contractor Axis. Axis have shared with us their own organisational commitments to promote equality and diversity across their work force. We will include equality and diversity as an element in our annual review meetings with key contractors. When we let other substantial contracts we will highlight the boroughs equality pledge as part of the tender process

Awareness and communication

We will - Create a schedule of events to be posted on our internal intranet (i.e., articles about Bengali & Black History month, Somali History Week, St George’s Day, Faith events and things of a cultural importance etc) - Continue to offer community groups support to host events (we already do this… groups celebrate St George’s Day, Bengali New Year, Ramadan etc) - Explore diversity training for our community groups - Share progress on our delivery of this pledge with our staff, residents, and key stakeholders.

Additional commitments

We are currently developing a Dignity at Work policy which sets out how we will provide specific protection against bullying, harassment, discrimination, and victimisation. This includes reference to all the protected characteristics, of which race is one. The policy should be finalised and published internally in December 2021.

Signed pledge

By signing this pledge on behalf of my organisation, I pledge that we will address the issues identified, monitor our progress on an annual basis, and agree to be held accountable for the
delivery of our actions.

Organisation: Tower Hamlets Community Housing

Name and role: Andrew Taylor - Interim Chief Executive
