4. Both Canary Wharf & the council are claiming 100% renewables. Green washing is being called out claiming to sell 100% renewable & regulation will change to expose this. Are council and Canary Wharf willing to change provider if evidence shows

4. Both Canary Wharf & the council are claiming 100% renewables. Green washing is being called out claiming to sell 100% renewable & regulation will change to expose this. Are council and Canary Wharf willing to change provider if evidence shows

London Borough of Tower Hamlets

There are ongoing discussions on green washing but to a certain degree LBTH are bound by local authority procurement regulations. However, this has been highlighted across the utility sector and changes are being implemented to ensure all green supplies are transparent.
LBTH are looking at CPPA’s (Corporate Power Purchase Agreements) for future supply.

Canary Wharf Group

Canary Wharf Group (CWG) have been procuring renewable electricity backed by industry accepted Renewable Energy Guarantee of Origin certificates (REGOs) since 2012.

In addition, CWG are a member of RE100 which promotes the use of renewable forms of electricity. In 2020, CWG published long term science-based targets which recognises this form of electricity procurement.

However CWG are, like the rest of society, continually looking to achieve best practice and in conjunction with ongoing supplier performance reviews and long term procurement cycles, CWG can confirm that Corporate Power Purchase Agreements are a part of the CWG long term energy purchasing plans of the Estate.

Without doubt credible REGOs have been a helpful ‘stepping stone’ to enable many consumers to make the transition from brown energy procurement.


Renewable energy purchase - The council is continually looking to achieve best practice and ensure transparency through emission reporting and energy purchase. LBTH are looking at CPPA’s (Corporate Power Purchase Agreements) for future supply.