What makes a suitable polling place?

What makes a suitable polling place?
  1. polling places should not be changed without good reason, electors get used to their station and problems can occur during elections when things get changed

  2. the location: is it reasonably accessible within the polling district? Does it avoid barriers for the voter such as steep hills, railway lines or major roads? Are there convenient transport links?

  3. size: can it accommodate more than one polling station if required? If multiple polling stations are required, is the polling place ample enough to accommodate all voters going into and out of the polling stations, even where there is a high turnout? Double polling stations in the same polling place are often used when there are high numbers of voters.

  4. suitability: is the building readily available in the event of any unscheduled elections? Is there any possibility that the building may be demolished as part of a new development? Is the building accessible to those entitled to attend the polling place? Are there facilities for polling staff such as toilets, kitchen facilities, heating, lighting and suitable furniture?