Do you think that as some mainstream schools take more children with Education, Health and Care Plans than others, reducing the money schools get through the banding will make this difference bigger?

Do you think that as some mainstream schools take more children with Education, Health and Care Plans than others, reducing the money schools get through the banding will make this difference bigger?

We have been talking with Head teachers about what work we can do to help all mainstream schools be equally inclusive, resulting in a more even spread of children with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) attending these schools.

The Local Authority will be developing guidance on our expectation of all schools with regard to SEND inclusion and giving help to schools to develop in this way. There are options in the consultation about the size of the reduction. A bigger reduction in funding (5% or 7%) would enable us to give schools that have a large number of children with EHCPS some extra funding.