Help leaving hospital

Following a hospital stay, you may need some additional help to cope at home or to move into accommodation where help is always available. This could either be until you can find your feet again or on a permanent basis.

If you are considered 'vulnerable' (under the NHS and Community Care Act 1990) Social Work staff will assess your needs and if you are eligible, provide services.

Depending on your eligibility, this could include:

  • a placement in a residential or nursing home
  • care packages that include: meals on wheels, personal and home care, blitz cleans, day care
  • Extra Care Sheltered Housing
  • services for carers, for example short breaks, carer's relief
  • support with re-housing when your current housing puts you at risk
  • support with re-housing when you do not have suitable housing to return to and are unable manage the re-housing process yourself

If you feel you might need this help, you can simply ask to speak to a member of the hospital social work team while you are in hospital.