Granby Community Hub

Set just off Bethnal Green Road, Granby Community Hub is perfect for a range of activities and offers a variety of spaces to host events. The space is available to host local community groups including events for Somali Senior Citizens Club and Women’s Group, Bentworth Friendly Bingo Club, resident associations and local residents. The versatile spaces hold events such as community activities, social clubs, youth groups, parties and celebrations.
The hub is situated within a 10 minute walk from Bethnal Green station and is easily accessible by local bus services along Bethnal Green Road.
The Granby Community Hub features:
- Two large halls separated by a room divider, which has potential to create a single multi-purpose space for up to 80 people
- One large hall for up to 40 people
- Two community rooms for up to 15 people each
- Prayer room for community use (without room hire)
- Kitchen facilities, including one large kitchen and kitchenette
- Free Wi-Fi and multimedia facilities
- Secure storage for regular users.
Discounts for regular bookings of more than 12 weeks may be available.
View the Community Hubs brochure to find out more.
To book spaces please contact the Community Booking Co-ordinator
Tel: 020 7364 6308