A to Z ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ C Cake-Case Turtles DescriptionMake your own adorable cake case turtle to take home! CANCELLED Resilient Rhythms: Celebrating Black Music and Culture Description"Resilient Rhythms" is an immersive live music experience. It celebrates the diverse genres of Black music and culture. CANCELLED: Recognising the Global Afrikan Contribution - a Community-led African History Event (BHM23) DescriptionJoin us at the Ecology Pavilion for a family friendly event to mark the African History Season thanks to support from the Mayor of Tower Hamlets. Carbon Offsetting DescriptionSummary of the councils carbon offsetting projects Career-long learning and innovation DescriptionSocial Work Academy training programme Carer support groups and organisations DescriptionGroups that can help carers including respite care and assistance looking after someone Caring for someone DescriptionI provide care for someone. CCTV DescriptionOur strategy to prevent and detect street crime. Celebrating Black Excellence DescriptionJoin us at the first major event at the new town hall celebrating African and Caribbean culture brought to you by the Mayor of Tower Hamlets. Celebrating Black History Month DescriptionCome along on the 18th of October for a special event for Family Hubs, celebrating Black History Month! Displaying 1 to 10 of 72 Previous 1 2 3 4 5 … Next