TH_IS Adult Learning competition winners announced

TH_IS AL Comp crop
The winners of the TH_IS Adult Learning competition have been announced.

Idea Store Learning and Tower Hamlets Council held an online competition for three residents of the borough to win a free place on a course of their choice. The winners are:

  1. Lacti Batista
  2. Aida Hernandez
  3. Yeasmin Akther

The winners were picked out at random by Deputy Mayor of Tower Hamlets Cllr Maium Miah Talukdar, Cabinet Member for Lifelong Learning and Faruk Miah MBE Head of Idea Store Learning. 

Enrolment for the borough’s 900+ adult and community learning courses is now open for courses starting in January 2024.

Whether you want to learn to dance, sing, paint or draw, learn a new language, play the drums or improve your fitness and wellbeing, there is a course for you.

Each year, Idea Store Learning delivers hundreds of different courses for the residents of Tower Hamlets.

Find out more about the courses on offer on the Idea Store website.

Posted on Thursday 21st December 2023