Women's Charter for gender equality and empowerment


We recognise inequalities faced by women in our society and understand the urgency of promoting gender equality, therefore establishing a Women's Charter. It is our commitment to upholding and advancing the rights and well-being of women, fostering a more inclusive, just, and equitable society. We stand together to address the challenges that women continue to face and work towards a future where all individuals, regardless of gender, enjoy equal opportunities and rights.

Education and empowerment

1. We pledge to ensure equal access to quality education and lifelong learning for women and girls. We will support programs that empower them with knowledge, skills, and opportunities for personal and professional growth.

2. We recognise the importance of encouraging women and girls to pursue careers in fields where they have been traditionally underrepresented, such as STEM. We are committed to breaking the stereotypes and biases that limit their choices.

Economic equality

3. We need to focus on reducing the unemployment rate among women. This is not only a matter of social justice, but also an economic necessity. We will work towards removing any barriers that prevent women from accessing employment.

4. We vow to raise awareness of the gender pay gap by advocating for equal pay for equal work. Women should receive the same compensation as men for similar roles and responsibilities.

5. We support women's entrepreneurship and financial independence, providing access to resources, mentorship, and opportunities for women to thrive as business leaders and innovators.

Health and wellbeing

6. We strive to ensure that women have access to comprehensive healthcare, including reproductive health services, regardless of their economic or social status.

7. We emphasise the importance of mental health and well-being for women, promoting mental health awareness, support, and services tailored to their needs.

Eliminating violence and discrimination

8. We pledge to eradicate all forms of violence against women, including domestic violence, harassment, and harmful traditional practices. Perpetrators must be held accountable for their actions.

9. We support legal and policy measures that actively combat gender-based discrimination, fostering an inclusive and diverse society where women are valued for their abilities and contributions.

Leadership and representation

10. We are committed to increasing women's representation in all spheres of leadership, from government and business to academia and civil society. Women's voices are essential in decision-making processes.

11. We recognise the importance of intersectionality, ensuring that the unique experiences of women from diverse backgrounds and communities are acknowledged and addressed.

Affordable childcare and work-life balance

12. Support the creation of affordable and accessible childcare services to enable women to pursue their careers while raising families.

13. We advocate for family-friendly workplace policies, including parental leave, flexible working hours, and supportive environments, to help women balance their professional and personal responsibilities.

14. We encourage men's active involvement in caregiving and household responsibilities to promote gender equality in homes and communities.

Advocacy and solidarity

15. We commit to raising awareness and mobilising support for gender equality through public awareness campaigns, community engagement, and policy advocacy.

16. We stand in solidarity with women around the world, acknowledging that the fight for gender equality knows no borders and requires collective action.


This Women's Charter is a testament to Tower Hamlets Council's commitment to gender equality. We will work tirelessly to dismantle the barriers and prejudices that limit the potential and rights of women.

Together, we aim to build a society where women are celebrated, empowered, and treated with the respect and equality they deserve.