Search and comment on planning applications
Online planning register
You can look at planning applications received by the council using our online planning register. This service allows you to:
- see the details of individual planning applications
- see what planning decisions we have made
- submit comments on an application (if it’s within a consultation period)
- track the progress of applications, save searches and get email notifications (when you register)
- search for current or historic applications relating to a property (from 2000).
Issues searching for applications
Please be patient when searching for planning applications, as our system deals with simultaneous requests. If the system is slow to respond or you see error messages, please try again after 20 minutes.
Some planning register users can experience problems logging in to make comments on planning applications. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Searching and viewing cases and documents works as normal.
If you wish to comment on a planning application and are unable to do so using the system, please email
Search for planning applications
Planning inquiry
Royal Mint Court Local Inquiry
Following the Secretary of State Call-In of Planning Application PA/24/01229 and Listed Building Consent Application PA/24/01248 for the following proposals:
Redevelopment of the site to provide an embassy (Sui Generis use class), involving the refurbishment and restoration of the Johnson Smirke Building (Grade II listed), partial demolition, remodelling and refurbishment of Seaman's Registry (Grade II listed), with alterations to the west elevation of the building, the retention, part demolition, alterations and extensions to Murray House and Dexter House, the erection of a standalone entrance pavilion building, alterations to the existing boundary wall and demolition of substation, associated public realm and landscaping, highway works, car and cycle parking and all ancillary and associated works.
A Local Inquiry will be held from 11 February until 28 February at the following location:
Tower Hamlets Professional Development Centre
229 Bethnal Green Road
E2 6AB
The enquiry will commence at 10am on the 11 February.
For more details please check the inquiry documents.
Find planning applications on a map
You can use our interactive maps to:
- view the locations of current and decided planning applications
- get details of applications in a chosen location.
View planning applications by location.
Planning appeals
You can view evidence, submit comments and check the progress of a planning appeal online via the Planning Portal.
Council committees
You can read the reports and decisions relating to planning applications on our Committee pages. The Strategic Development and the Development Committee are the two relevant pages. You can also get the details of forthcoming planning committee meetings on our calendar of meetings.
Online CIL and S106 contributions register
The council’s online developer contributions register contains information on CIL and S106 obligations, including a copy of the relevant agreements.
Search the online developer contributions register
Historic planning applications
You can search for applications on our online planning register from 2000 onwards. If you wish to view older applications you can make a request to retrieve the files via our document copy requests and file retrievals page.
The applications and ancillary documents received by the council are from the applicant and do not represent the views of the council or any judgement on the merits of the application which will remain to be decided by the council’s Planning Committee.
We are not liable for the accuracy of the information on the website. You rely on this information at your own risk.
We are not responsible for the contents or reliability of the linked web sites and we cannot guarantee that these links will work all the time and we do not have any control over availability of the linked pages.