A to Z


Seasons of Bangla Drama by Rehan Jamil

Seasons is a stunning visual record to mark two decades of A Season of Bangla Drama.

Section 106 planning obligations

Planning obligations, usually secured under section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, are legal agreements between local planning authorities and developers.

Section 106 Services

When then council assesses planning applications, we will consider whether mitigation may be required depending on the level of impact the proposed development will have. Mitigation may include planning obligations secured in a legal agreement – often known as a Section 106 agreement.

Selective Licensing

Learn more about this scheme and make an application.

SEND Stay and Play @ Victoria Park

SEND Stay and Play @ Victoria Park

SEND youth service offer

Find out more about the SEND youth service offer for those aged up to 25 in the borough.

Sensory Play for Babies - 2 August

Sensory Play for Babies - 2 August

Sensory Play for Babies (Marner Children and Family Centre)

To create a sensory rich environment, where babies and pre crawlers have an opportunity to use and develop their senses.

Sensory Play for Babies (Marner Children and Family Centre) 14 August

To create a sensory rich environment, where babies and pre crawlers have an opportunity to use and develop their senses.

Sensory Play for Babies (Marner Children and Family Centre) 21 August

To create a sensory rich environment, where babies and pre crawlers have an opportunity to use and develop their senses.
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