Community Conversations
We are committed to involving residents in everything we do and strengthening our relationship with our diverse communities.
Community Conversations are designed to shape how we consult, engage and communicate with people who live in or work in Tower Hamlets, with community and policing.
It’s key to listen to the views of our people, businesses and partners to shape the design of local services, develop policies or take action to address an issue.
We hope to engage younger people to be part of the solutions focused, open and accountable sessions. Youth is the future, and we need to invest, actively listen and be responsive to change.
Community Conversations are informal conversations between local communities and police hosted by community partners.
The agenda for each meeting is set by local residents and supported by the council.
As part of the New Met for London plan, the Central East Borough Commander and Senior Leaders will attend conversations. The purpose is to spend the session listening to local concerns and also addressing key questions raised, looking at sharing updates and finding solutions.
Our Community Conversations will move around the borough to many different locations and organisations to reach as many community members as possible.
It is vital we are open and inclusive to everyone, it is key to hear from all ages, and people from diverse backgrounds with lived experience in Tower Hamlets. Community Conversationsare open and are advertised through local networks and council community partnership networks.
You can shape where the conversations go!
Details of first community conversation…
Friday 20 October 2023, 6.30pm to 9pm
Mayfield House, 202 Cambridge Heath Road, E2 9LJ
More info to follow, scan QR code to register your interest