Lithium battery fires

Lithium batteries have caused fires in the rubbish lorries. Please do not put batteries in your waste or recycling bin. All batteries (including lithium batteries from e-bikes and e-scooters and other re-chargeable devices) can be taken to the Reuse and Recycling Centre at Northumberland Wharf.

How are we doing?

Our aim is to provide the best possible services for everyone who lives, works or visits the borough, and to strive for continuous improvement.

Waste collections

We provide a weekly refuse and recycling collection to residents and figures released for April 2016 to March 2017 show that a staggering 8.8 million collections have taken place over that period. 

Street cleanliness

Levels of litter, detritus, graffiti and fly-posting on our streets are monitored using tranche surveys. The surveys are carried out by the community group the Muslim Women’s Collective and has been developed to measure the cleanliness of the local environment, as a member of the public would see it.

Recycling and waste

Last year the Council was responsible for the collection, recycling, treatment and disposal of more than 102,490 tonnes of municipal waste.  We aim to increase recycling and decrease waste sent to landfill.

Love Your Neighbourhood

The Love Your Neighbourhood app enables residents and visitors to instantly tell us about any issues that need addressing such as graffiti, fly-tipping, broken play equipment, pot holes or over flowing bins. Users simply take a picture of a problem and the app will pinpoint their location and send the details directly to our environmental contractors, ensuring that problems are dealt with swiftly.

The app also allows people to send pictures and share their thoughts on the many great aspects of the borough; anything from a special place or landmark, to a quirky shop or local character.

Now on Google Play.

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