Someone to speak on my behalf
The council has commissioned Tower Hamlets Connect to provide information, advice and general advocacy for adults with support needs.
It is delivered by Age UK East London and its partners. Tower Hamlets Connect will support all adults with support needs in Tower Hamlets with timely, relevant and accurate information and advice, and general advocacy.
Advocacy means getting support from another person to speak on your behalf and help you express your views and wishes, and to protect your rights. Someone who helps you like this is called your advocate.
For further information on advocacy and how to request an advocates support, please visit the advocacy information and advice page.
Help to speak out
Advocates help people to speak up for what they want. There are organisations that are independent of the council who can provide advocacy support to people.
The Care Act 2014 makes it a legal requirement to provide an independent advocate to facilitate the involvement of a person in social care processes in certain circumstances.
If it is decided that you need a Care Act advocate, Adult Social Care will refer you to POhWER, who will be able to provide an advocate. This service is free, confidential and independent.
PohWER contact information
Tel: 0300 456 2370
If you would like an advocate to act on your behalf, you can contact Tower Hamlets Connect t who will be able to advise you. They may refer you on to another service or a social worker or appoint one of their own advocates to support you.
If you are a carer, you may be able to receive advocacy support from the Carers Centre.