Freedom pass renewal application

The freedom pass renewal applications have now started, those passes which are due to expire 31 March 2024 will have received a renewal letter. You will be required to submit a renewal application online by the 29 January 2024. For those applicants who have not received a letter, please submit your disabled freedom pass renewal application online.

Freedom pass for disabled people

What is a Disabled Persons Freedom Pass?

This freedom pass allows those who are eligible free travel across London and free bus journey’s nationally.

Who can apply for a Disabled Persons Freedom Pass?

Eligibility criteria

You may be eligible for a disabled person's freedom pass if you meet one of the criteria below.

Evidence must be dated within the last 12 months or your current award letter.

  • Registered blind or partially sighted - confirmed by Certificate of Vision Impairment (CVI) form or LBTH registration letter
  • Profoundly or severely deaf - 71 dB HL (decibels) or more in both ears, confirmed by audiogram
  • Without speech - confirmed by speech and language assessment report (specialist)
  • Without arms or have long term loss of the use of both arms - confirmed by specialist
  • Personal Independence Payments (PIP) - the applicant must receive either:
    • 8 points or more for the “moving around” activity under the Mobility component or
    • 8 points or more for “communicating” activity under the daily living component.
  • Disability Living Allowance (DLA) – the applicant must receive higher rate of the mobility component.
  • Have a disability or have suffered an injury, which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to walk - must provide evidence from a specialist. An assessment may be required. 
  • Have a learning disability that is a state of arrested or incomplete development of mind which includes significant impairment of intelligence and social functioning - evidence from educational health and care plan (EHCP) or Tower Hamlets community learning disability team (full report must be sent). An assessment may be required.
  • If you applied for a driver’s licence to drive a motor vehicle (under part III of the Road Traffic Act 1988), whereby your application was refused under section 92 of the Act, on the grounds of persistent misuse of drugs or alcohol - confirmed by DVLA. An assessment may be required.

General Practitioner (GP) and appointment letter (including discharge summary, summary history or medicine list) will not be accepted.

If you are unable to provide the above documents, then we will not be able to process your application.

Assessed eligibility

In some cases you may be required to attend an assessment. You will be placed on the waiting list for an assessment to be carried out by our independent expert assessor, who will arrange an appointment for you. Due to the large number of applications being submitted, the current waiting time for assessments is within 12 weeks.

Once the assessment has been completed, the mobility support team will review the expert assessors report and provide a decision on the application submitted.

To be eligible for a disabled persons freedom pass you must score 24 points or more in total on the assessment.

Application process

The freedom pass renewal application have now started. You will be required to submit a renewal application online. 

You can apply using the online service, once an application has been submitted, the mobility support team will process the application.

Due to the increasing number of applications the process can take up to 14 working days provided the correct information and documents have been provided.

Once the application has been processed you will receive an update on the decision.

How to apply for a Disabled Persons Freedom Pass

To apply for a disabled persons freedom pass you must submit an application form.If you do not have access or are unable to use online services, you can arrange an appointment at one of our Resident Hubs by contacting the following number – 0207 364 5000. 

Apply for a disabled persons freedom pass

Disabled Persons Freedom Pass holders’ responsibility

It is the pass holder’s responsibility to ensure it is used correctly and should not be misused as this may result in confiscation of the pass

Please read the information on how to use the disabled persons freedom pass.

Appeals Process

You have the right to appeal if you are dissatisfied with the outcome of your application. You will need to submit your appeal within 28 days from the date of the outcome.

Your appeal will be investigated by the senior officer who will make the decision on your appeal within 8 weeks. If the decision requires a further assessment, an appointment will be arranged by our independent expert assessor. Once the assessment is complete a final decision on your application will be provided.

An appeal will not be considered if you do not meet the eligibility criteria or your application has not been processed. If you do not meet the PIP or DLA criteria, you must contact Department for Work & Pension (DWP) and inform them of your change in circumstance.

Submit an Appeal

How to renew your Disabled Persons Freedom Pass

A renewal letter will be sent out to pass holders who do not have a lifelong condition, whereby they must complete and submit an application of renewal either online or visit one of our resident hubs.

All applications submitted along with required evidence by post should be sent to the Mobility Support Team where the address is outlined on the form.

Those with a lifelong condition and whose residency has been confirmed as being on the Electoral Register will automatically receive their new passes at point of expiry.

Renew a disabled persons freedom pass

Lost, stolen or damaged pass

If your Freedom Pass is lost or damaged, please contact Journeycall Ltd on 0300 330 1433.  Freedom Pass holders who lose or damage their cards will be charged for replacements. Pass holders can pay by debit or with credit card by phone.

If you have lost 2 or more passes

If you have had 2 passes replaced and have lost a third in a 12 month rolling period, your replacement request will be referred to Tower Hamlets Mobility Support Team. No more than 3 passes can be issued in any rolling 12 month period.