A to Z


Paying rent for temporary accommodation

Find out how to pay rent for temporary accomodation.

Permission to rent

Always make sure that anyone claiming to be a landlord or an agent is genuine. Find out how to make the correct checks.

Personalised disabled bay eligibility criteria

This is the personalised disabled bay eligibility criteria for Tower Hamlets Council

Personalised disabled bay permit terms and conditions

Personalised disabled bay permit terms and conditions for Tower Hamlets Council.

Personalised parking bays for disabled people

Residents with severe disabilities may be eligible to apply for a disabled-parking bay near their home. Permits will generally only be issued to disabled drivers and are vehicle- and bay-specific.

Pest control products: important buying advice

Important advice on how to choose and use Pest Control products for non-professionals. This also includes advice on how to dispose of chemicals you believe may be unsafe.

Pests and vermin

What to do if you have a pest issue in your rented home


Shortcut for petitions on the democracy gov website

Pharmaceutical needs assessment

The Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) is a key part of the market entry system and supports commissioning decisions based on our patient needs. Check the PNA for Tower Hamlets.

Photographs / Photomontages / Townscape and Visual Impact Assessments

Photographs / Photomontages / Townscape and visual impact assessments
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