A to Z ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ W Walking DescriptionWalking regularly is a simple way to get some exercise and improve your health. War memorial maintenance DescriptionWe maintain the war memorials in the borough in partnership with the commonwealth war graves commission Waste cooking oil collections DescriptionIf your business creates used cooking oil (UCO) then you must store it securely and dispose of it separately to your other waste Wayne Hernandez | Soul and RnB DescriptionLet's get it on with a special evening of the very best of Soul by the charismatic Wayne Hernandez, featuring the work of Marvin Gaye and other Soul Giants. Ways to save by installing or re-fitting things DescriptionThere are a number of ways that you can save money by making changes in your home We Rebuild, We Reclaim DescriptionWe Are Parable is working with the British Council to curate 'We Rebuild. We Reclaim.' This is a touring programme of seven short films, in collaboration with Raindance Film Festival. All explore Black British experience. Weights & measures DescriptionAll goods, whether pre-packed or not, should be of the correct weight or measure stated on the packaging. Part of our jobs is to ensure that the public receive the correct amount of any product they buy Welcome To Tower Hamlets Programme DescriptionScheme to help new migrants integrate into the community. Welcome to Tower Hamlets resources DescriptionA guide to help new migrants get the information they need to live and work in Tower Hamlets. Welfare benefits advice DescriptionInformation and advice on benefits and tax credits, national helplines,websites and claim lines. Displaying 1 to 10 of 37 Previous 1 2 3 4 Next