Navigating MyView

1 Menus

There are two menus and a pencil icon at the top of MyView.

1.1 The three bars or "hamburger menu" is on the left:

MyView hamberger menu

1.2 The three dots or "kebab menu" is on the right:

MyView kebab menu

1.2 The pencil lets you edit your dashboard.

MyView pencil menu

2 Hamburger menu

2.1 Selecting the hamburger menu will show you options for "Dashboard" and "My Pay":

hamburger menu expanded

2.2 Dashboard

The main screen is your dashboard it shows a preview of different areas called Widgets.

You can customise your Dashboard by adding or removing Widgets.

2.3 My Pay

2.3.1 To see your pay information select "My Pay" from the hamburger menu:

MyView My Pay Hamburger menu

Then select "My Pay".

2.3.2 You can see the information in pounds by selecting the £ Icon or in percentage by selecting on the % icon:

MyView pound and percent

2.3.3 If you select "Net Pay", "Payments" or "Deductions", you will see a breakdown below:

Net pay payments or deductions

2.3.4 If you select "View all Pay Documents", you can see all your Payslips/Pay advice and your P60.

MyView view All Pay Documents link

3 Account details

3.1 To access your accout information select the three dots (kebab menu):

MyView kebab menu account info

You can see your details and any notifications you have here.

3.2 Check your security settings by selecting "Security Settings":

MyView security settings menu

3.3 Make sure Multi-Factor Authentication is turned on for enhanced security:

MyView security settings