Tower Hamlets Corporate Equalities Plan 2024 – 2026

1. Introduction

We are proud to present our Corporate Equalities Plan 2024-26. Tower Hamlets is one of the most diverse and vibrant places in the country, with people from different backgrounds, cultures, faiths and identities living and working together. This plan sets out work to achieve our ambitious vision for equality which is to build a strong, inclusive and fair borough addressing inequalities through our work and ensuring that our workforce reflects the community.

It also sets out our commitment to promote and celebrate equality, diversity and inclusion in everything we do as a council, from the money we spend and the people we employ, the community we serve and the services we provide. In delivering this plan, the council commits to celebrate our diverse communities as a key asset, reduce inequality in all areas, and collaborate with our partners to positively impact our residents and support them to reach their potential.

This Corporate Equalities Plan sets out our priorities to deliver the key corporate equality objectives as set out in our Strategic Plan 2022-26. It also brings together in one document the work underway to meet our Public Sector Equality Duty under the Equality Act 2010. In the exercise of our functions, this requires us to:

• Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation.

• Advance equality of opportunity.

• Foster and encourage good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.

Equality is at the heart of everything we do. In one of the most deprived and diverse parts of London our equalities work really matters to our residents and staff. We will have an unrelenting focus on equality and continue to research a range of issues that could affect opportunity, such as socio-economic and educational backgrounds and financial circumstances. Where these factors contribute to lack of equal opportunity for our residents, visitors, and workforce, we shall take measures to address them.

This will involve refreshing our policies on groups of people who face discrimination and developing policies where we do not have them – such as policies that address the inequality encountered by people who are non-binary and transgender. Also, we are aware of the special circumstances of care-leavers and will take measures where appropriate to redress the disadvantage that may arise. We will also seek to support and promote the invaluable work and the huge contribution of the faith communities in Tower Hamlets and ensure they are protected and encouraged by the

In delivering this programme we will focus on:

• Achieving outcomes to improve the lives of our residents.

• Aligning our equality work with the objectives in the Strategic Plan 2022-26.

• Ensuring that we achieve a workforce that reflects the community.

The range of equalities work at both a strategic and operational level is substantial, and our plan provides a summary of key activities we are undertaking to address inequality in the borough.

We will use the lived experience of our residents to address inequalities faced by our communities and ensure we monitor progress through data and feedback from stakeholders.

As the Mayor and Cabinet Member, we will set priorities for the council’s work in tackling inequality and promoting equality – as set out in our Equality Policy. We shall be assisted by the Corporate Equalities Board and by all officers and elected members of the Council.

Mayor Lutfur Rahman and Cllr Suluk Ahmed – Cabinet Member for Equalities & Social Inclusion


Next page: Development of the Corporate Equalities Plan 2024-2026