Shopping and meals
If you, or someone you care for, are having difficulties preparing and cooking your own meals, there are various options you could choose to help make mealtimes easier.
Help from friends or family
Consider asking a friend or family member for help. Often people can pick up your shopping when they are doing their own shopping or run your errands when they are out and about.
Supermarket shopping
Many supermarkets and food delivery services offer home delivery for foods bought online and you could choose ready meals including frozen meals, that can be heated in a microwave or a conventional oven as an alternative.
For advice on shopping and paying safely online, see the Money Advice Service
The following are some examples of supermarkets and companies who offer home deliveries:
Frozen Meals
These companies will deliver a week or more supply of frozen meals
Help to prepare your own meals independently
There are organisations in Tower Hamlets which can give you advice about equipment which may help you to prepare food and cook independently.
Some of these are listed on the Community Directory. Simple and healthy recipes can be found on the Age UK website.
Lunch clubs
Some community centres will provide an inexpensive cooked meal as a service for people who have difficulty cooking for themselves, or would like an opportunity to go out to be with other people. Visit the Age UK Lunch Club website for more information.
Have a look at the Community Directory for organisations that offer lunch clubs.