A to Z


Christian Street Community Hub

A network of versatile, bookable spaces, designed to allow multiple community groups to use the building at the same time.

Civil penalties process under the Housing and Planning Act 2016

Section 126 and Schedule 9 of the Housing and Planning Act 2016 provide local authorities with the power, through the insertion of section 249A Housing Act 2004, to impose a civil penalty as an alternative to prosecution in respect of the following offences under the Housing Act 2004

Civil Protection Unit

The Civil Protection Section deals with forward planning in the event of major emergencies that affect residents or the council.

Claiming benefits

How can I make sure that I'm claiming all the benefits that I'm entitled to?

Clashing Differences

This is one of four screenings of programmes celebrating the talent of the African diaspora in front and behind the camera.

Clear up project

The council has taken significant steps to improve its processes since the introduction of government-appointed commissioners.

Climate emergency

In March 2019, Tower Hamlets became one of the first councils in the country to declare a climate emergency.

Clinical and healthcare waste collections

Find out about clinical and healthcare collections in the borough.

Club development

We support sports clubs and delivery partners in the borough develop their practices, governance and membership.

COBO : Comedy Shutdown Black History Month Special – Bethnal Green

COBO: Comedy Shutdown brings a Black History Month Special to the Backyard Comedy Club.
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