A to Z


Director's meetings

An opportunity to listen to the Director of Children's Services and other officers as well as governors being able to raise issues for discussion.

Disabled facilities grant

If you are a disabled homeowner or private tenant who finds it difficult to manage around the home, we can help.

Discretionary Housing Payments

How to apply for discretionary housing payments and more.

Dispensation terms and conditions

Dispensation terms and conditions at Tower Hamlets Council.

Disproportionality and the Youth Justice Service

Every person should be equal in the eyes of the law, regardless of age, ethnicity or anything else. However, research shows that the youth justice system treats children and young people (10 to 18-years-old) from ethnic minority backgrounds differently.

Do you know someone who could be our next Young Mayor?

Applications are open for young people in the borough to apply to become the next Young Mayor or part of the deputy team.

Dr Charlotte Lydia Riley: Imperial Island

DR CHARLOTTE LYDIA RILEY will be talking about her book Imperial Island

Drainage Strategy and Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS) Report

Drainage Strategy and Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS) report

Driffield Road and Medway conservation areas consultation

Driffield Road and Medway conservation areas consultation

Dropped kerbs and vehicle crossovers

Apply for a dropped kerb or vehicle crossover.
Displaying 21 to 30 of 37