A to Z


Local Infrastructure Fund

Tower Hamlets is one of the fastest growing boroughs in the country. We know that every new development increases the pressure on things like your GP surgery or your school. It could also mean spaces like parks, roads and cycle paths feel busier than before.

Local land charges: Personal search

How to book a personal search of the local land charges register. This will tell you about any restrictions (charges) which may affect particular property or land.

Local offer

Search for information about services available to children, young people and families in Tower Hamlets.

Local Plan 2031: Examination

Local Plan 2031: Examination - Details of the public examination of the new draft Tower Hamlets Local Plan.

Log in

You need to log in to complete applications or view personal information for many of our services. Many of these are not connected with each other at the moment.

London businesses to get grants towards cargo bikes

London businesses to get grants towards cargo bikes

Looking for Childcare in Tower Hamlets

There are many options in Tower Hamlets when looking for childcare.

Looking for work

Advice on qualifications, how to get your national insurance number and where to look for work.

Lost Soulz

This is one of four screenings of programmes celebrating the talent of the African diaspora in front and behind the camera.
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