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Sunday is Saree Day

This hugely popular women-only event celebrates womanhood through sarees and Bangladeshi delicacies. Join us for food, music and poetry! Dress code: red, pink or orange sarees or traditional dress.

Sunday trading notification and registration

There have been no restrictions on shopping hours apart from Sundays since the introduction of the Sunday Trading Act in 1994. All shops are now able to open without restrictions between Monday and Saturday

Support for adult carers

I want to know what support is available for carers in Tower Hamlets.

Support for adults with HIV

We support people with HIVAIDS with a range of information and advice on services such as housing and welfare rights.

Support for early learning and childcare at school

Support for early learning and childcare at school

Support for male victims and survivors

A directory of support services for male victims and survivors

Support for Our Youngest Children

During a child's early years, there will be opportunities for families to have conversations around their child's development in order to identify any needs, to consider appropriate referrals and interventions to support their child.

Support for people with disabilities

Directory of support services for people with disabilities

Support for refugees

Tower Hamlets Council urges residents to consider what support they could offer to refugees in response to the humanitarian crisis.

Support from Social Care

Adult Social Care provides you with the advice, information and support you need to live an independent fulfilling life.
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