Street lighting

The council is responsible for the design, installation and maintenance of streetlights and traffic signals.

How do I report a problem?

To report problems with traffic lights please contact Transport for London (TfL)

To report problems with street lights, pedestrian crossings or illuminated bollards or to complain about the location, either fill an online form or call us on 020 7364 5000.

The streetlight outside my house is faulty

Please use the online form to let us know. The more information you give us, the better (for example, light out altogether, going on/off, burning all day).

Do include the number of the column - if you cannot see this then please state the exact location or adjacent house number.

How long will it take to repair?

Usually, outages are repaired within five working days. If there is a problem on the electricity cable, notification is sent to the utility who usually attend within 15 working days of receiving a report.

The metal plate at the base of the lamp column has been removed, how soon will you attend?

We will attend within four hours of notification. 

The lamp column outside my house is leaning or damaged

An inspector will come to assess the damage and then determine how urgent the job is.

Can the lighting in my street be improved?

All changes including improvement requests will be considered by the authority and prioritised accordingly.

We take into account age and condition of the existing installation along with the light output. However, all considerations are budget led. Please contact us for more information