Restorative Justice

Children or young people could be asked to take part in restorative justice as a part of any pre-court or post-court work. Restorative justice supports children and young people to realise the effect their actions had and shows them how their victims feel.

Restorative justice can involve children and young people meeting with their victims to discuss the impact of their offence, or writing a letter of apology to their victim. This helps them to realise how their actions affect other people and stops them from committing further offences, as well as giving victims a sense of closure about their experience.

Support for victims

If you are a victim of a crime committed by a child or young person, the police will usually pass on your contact details to our restorative justice officer (RJO), unless you ask them not to. Information will always be treated confidentially to ensure your safety. The Officer will contact you to arrange a telephone appointment.

During your discussion, the Officer will:

  • check if you have any concerns about the child or young person’s behaviour towards you
  • explain what happens to the information you give them
  • explain the child or young person’s sentence and how the sentence decision was made
  • ask if you would like to be kept informed of key developments during the sentence and if you would like to be involved in any restorative justice processes

Your involvement is voluntary so you may change your mind about having contact with the RJO at any time.


The child or young person could be ordered to take part in reparation as part of a Youth Conditional Caution, Referral Order or Youth Rehabilitation Order (either with/without Intensive Supervision and Surveillance). They will have to work on projects which benefit the local community. This takes away their free time and helps to make amends for their offending behaviour.

Reparation projects can help the child or young person develop useful skills and college credits. Which can help to get them into training and education. Which moves them away from offending. If a reparation project is not completed, the child/young person might be breached and taken back to court.