Missing your appointments
You must keep all your Youth Justice Service (YJS) appointments. Missed appointments can result in you going back to court. If you have a reason for missing an appointment, you must provide written proof within 24 hours of the missed appointment.
Where possible please talk to your YJS worker before the appointment so that you can arrange a new time.
Genuine reasons for missing an appointment
Examples of a genuine reason to miss an appointment can include:
- illness – please bring a doctor’s note or medical certificate
- work or school or college commitment
- police station interview
- court appearance
- religious celebrations
- major personal event such as death of relative
Our responsibility to you
We are committed to working with you in order to achieve the best possible outcome for you.
If there are any reasons which will make it difficult for you to attend sessions, such as locations or appointment times which are unsuitable, please tell your YJS worker. They will do their best to meet your needs.