Lithium battery fires

Lithium batteries have caused fires in the rubbish lorries. Please do not put batteries in your waste or recycling bin. All batteries (including lithium batteries from e-bikes and e-scooters and other re-chargeable devices) can be taken to the Reuse and Recycling Centre at Northumberland Wharf.

Bulky waste collection terms and conditions

  • Each household is entitled to two free collections per calendar year – with up to five items taken away per collection.
  • For any following collections you will need to arrange a licensed waste carrier at your own cost. We do not endorse or recommend any service provider and you are responsible for making sure that the waste carrier you use is registered with the Environment Agency. The carrier should be able to provide you with supporting documents upon request.
  • If you are in a high-rise property all items must be brought down to a suitable location on the ground floor for collection.
  • The collection team are unable to enter properties, due to insurance restrictions.
  • The location of where your items are left must be based on factors such as accessibility and safety. The collection team is unable to access many blocks and developments in the borough and will not have keys/fobs for bin store areas. If you are not sure of where to leave your bulky items please contact your landlord or managing agent.
  • Our collection team will only collect items that have been booked in for collection.
  • If you want to cancel a collection, you must give the council 24 hours' notice. If not, it will count towards your entitled two collections per year.
  • Once your request has been submitted you will not be able to make changes or amendments. Should you need to make any changes or amendments you will need to cancel and re-book the collection. This will mean that you will lose your existing booking and slot. 
  • This service is for the sole use of Tower Hamlets residents only and not for any business or commercial use. Any misuse or fraud will be investigated and can lead to a fine or a charge back to the business or organisation.

By going ahead with a request for a collection you are agreeing to these terms and other rules and procedures that are in place.

See more information on bulky waste

Book a bulky waste collection