Information for young people
Download the new options after year 11 booklet which has a variety of careers information about next steps and support.
What we do
At Tower Hamlets Careers Service, our aim is to help you reach your goals for the future.
We work with young people aged between 13 and 19 – or up to age 25, if you have a special educational need or disability (SEND).
Our friendly, qualified advisers are based at the Idea Store Watney Market, 260 Commercial Road, E1 2FB. They also work in local secondary schools and New City College.
We help young people with things like:
- making choices about your future
- getting into education (college, 6th form, university)
- getting into training (traineeships and apprenticeships)
- getting into work (including CVs and interviews)
- and more.
Most of our work is with young people who may need extra support. This includes young people who:
- have special educational needs or disabilities (SEND)
- have physical or mental health issues
- are in or leaving care
- are NEET (not in education, employment or training)
- and more.
If you are in education and looking for help with next steps, you should speak to your school, college or university first.
If you are not in education, employment or training (NEET), please contact us.
Book an appointment
We offer telephone, video or face to face appointments. Face to face are by appointment only on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
To book an appointment, please contact us:
Tel: 0800 3581 2410 (freephone) or 020 7364 1401
Our careers advisers can offer impartial and confidential careers guidance to help you find the right path. Our brokerage and tracking advisers can support with applying for apprenticeships, work and training.
This site also includes information about topics that young people often ask us about. Find out more about the THCS Young workpath post 16 providers.
Careers information and resources
Options in year 8 or 9
Options after year 11
Options after sixth form or college
The world of work