Common land and village greens register and application
We are responsible for maintaining the registers of common land and village greens.
This register is a statutory document which shows all such registered land in Tower Hamlets.
For details on the rules that apply to common land and village greens, please go to the GOV.UK website.
Registration as common land and/or village green gives some rights of access to land and may place restrictions on the owners.
We are required to update the register when ownership of common rights change or where rights are apportioned. These changes are made when we are notified through the Land Registry when there are changes of address, ownership of land and registration of new village greens.
Please note: We currently do not hold a register as there are no entries for this.
Carrying out a search of the register
An official response to confirm whether a site is registered as common land, should be made by indicating a requirement for optional question 22 of the CON29O form. This should be returned as a completed form with the current fee of £40 + VAT. Your solicitor will have these forms or you can buy them from law stationers
Each area of common land and town or village green is listed in the registers under a unique unit number. A ‘CR’ prefix defines the land as common. Likewise a ‘VG’ prefix defines the land as a town or village green.
For more information, please contact us:
Tel: 020 7364 5000