Statement of Community Involvement

Adoption of revised Statement of Community Involvement

The Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) sets out how the community can get involved in the preparation of local planning policy documents and decisions on planning applications.

A revised SCI was adopted by Cabinet on 24 April 2019.

Download the latest Tower Hamlets Statement of Community Involvement.

A summary document can also be downloaded.

This follows from previous versions of the SCI published in 2008, 2012, and 2017.

The revised SCI is shorter and more accessible than previous versions, but retains all the necessary information for members of the public to understand how they can contribute to planning policy and decisions, and what they can expect from the council.

A section committing the council to exploring the use of new technology in planning consultations has been added. The sections on planning policy and development management decisions have been updated to bring them in line with the most current policy and practice.

Download the Adoption Statement for the SCI.

The revised SCI was consulted on between 5 November 2018 and 18 January 2019.

The consultation statement setting out the responses received can be viewed on request.

For further information or to request to view the document, please contact the Plan Making Team on 020 7364 5000 or e-mail us at