Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a charge on most types of new developments over a certain size. This can help to pay for local infrastructure projects that are needed to support new developments, such as schools, health services, leisure, open spaces and transport improvements.

What development is liable for CIL?

A development will be potentially liable for a CIL charge if:

  • it contains at least 100 square metres of new build (additional floor space)
  • creates one or more new dwellings (even if it is less than 100 square metres of floor space); or
  • the conversion of a building that is no longer in lawful use which results in new dwellings (residential or student accommodation).

A development may not be liable for CIL if it:

  • is permitted by a ‘general consent’ (including permitted development) and works were started before 6 April 2013
  • involves a change of use, conversion or subdivision of a building which has been in lawful use for at least six of the last 36 months and does not create any new floor space.

Further CIL guidance is available on GOV.UK.

London Borough of Tower Hamlets CIL charges

The London Borough of Tower Hamlets’ CIL Charging Schedule was first adopted on 1 April 2015. Since then, the Tower Hamlets CIL Charging Schedule has been revised to ensure that the council can secure sufficient funding for infrastructure to support growth in the borough. Following a public examination hearing on 1 August 2019 the Charging Schedule was approved at Full Council on 15 January 2020. The Schedule takes effect from 17 January 2020.

The Examiner’s final report is available to view.

In light of this, the April 2015 Charging Schedule will cease to have effect after 16 January 2020.

Details of the CIL charges that apply to developments in Tower Hamlets are set out in the following documents

The following policies are retained which support the new CIL charging schedule.

The CIL Regulation 123 list provides the details on how CIL payments are spent. Our preferred payment method is by BACS. Payment details are provided on the relevant invoice.

The CIL rate for all planning application permission granted before 17 January 2020 should refer to CIL Charging Schedule 2015.

London Mayoral CIL

The Mayor of London is currently charging CIL to help fund Crossrail. We collect the Mayoral CIL for new developments in Tower Hamlets on behalf of Transport for London (TfL).

For more information, please visit Transport for London's CIL page.

CIL forms and guidance for planning permission applicants

You must submit the ‘additional CIL information' form with your planning application. This will enable us to work out whether or not your proposed development will be liable for CIL.

Complete the CIL additional information form.

Read the additional information requirements guidance on the Planning Portal.

You should use our additional information form (available above) rather than the form found on the Planning Portal.

All other CIL forms are available from the Planning Portal.

CIL phasing guidance

Tower Hamlets recognises some applicants can struggle with cashflow during construction. That's why the borough has adopted the Tower Hamlets CIL Instalments policy.

However, for larger developments with enabling, demolition and/or site clearance works, the council can provide further assistance.

Please see the Tower Hamlets’ CIL phasing guidance for further information.

Further information

If you have any queries regarding CIL, please contact the infrastructure planning team:

Tel: 020 7364 5000

CIL annual report

In accordance with the CIL Regulations 2010 (as amended), we are required to report collection and expenditure of our  local CIL for each financial year. 

For further CIL collection and expenditure figures from 2019-20 onwards, please see the relevant Infrastructure Funding statements.