Section 106 planning obligations

What are section 106 planning obligations?

Planning obligations are also commonly referred to as ‘section 106’, ‘S106’, as well as ‘developer contributions’. They are legal agreements created under section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 in connection with a planning permission linked to the land. The Planning obligations are used to lessen the impact of new development. The two main types of obligations are:

  • Non-financial obligations which can include affordable housing, public access and removing the ability to apply for on-street car parking permits (what is referred to as ‘car-free’) etc.
  • Financial obligations which can include contributions for local education, employment and health provision etc.

For more information on Planning obligations see the following links:

Find a Section 106 agreement

The council’s online planning register contains planning permissions and any linked S106 agreements 

Search our online planning register



The council’s online map has a layer called ‘S106 Planning Agreements’, which can be used to find the planning permissions with S106 agreements.

Find S106 planning agreements on our map

Paying and submitting information for S106 obligations

Further information on how to pay and submit information for S106 obligations can be found on our Section 106 Services webpage.

Section 106 monitoring and enforcement

The council's S106 team monitor and enforce S106 agreements.

If you believe that a requirement or obligation of a S106 agreement has not been complied with, please inform the S106 team.

Section 106 expenditure

The council produce a document each year called the ‘Infrastructure Funding Statement’ that provides details of receipts and spending for both S106 and Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) for the previous financial year.

More information on the expenditure of Section 106 contributions including links to the annual Infrastructure Funding Statement, can be found on the infrastructure delivery webpage.

Why is an address ‘Car Free’? What does this mean?

Many properties/addresses within the borough are classed as ‘Car Free’, which means they have a S106 agreement with what is called a ‘Car Free’ obligation. The ‘Car Free’ obligation removes the ability for occupiers to apply for on-street parking permits unless they have an exemption. More information can be found on the parking permits webpage.

Get in touch

If you would like more information, the best way to contact us is by email