After a planning application is made
Once we have received your application, it must go through the following stages before we can make a final decision:
- Validation of your application
- Consultation on your application
- Assessment of your application
Application Status updates
Making a decision on your application
- Decision notice is issued
Validation of your application
When we receive your application, it will go through a validation process to check that all the required information has been provided.
If any information’s missing, your application will be ‘invalid’. We will then write to you or your agent to explain why and list the further information we require before we can assess it.
Read more about our validation requirements.
Consultation on your application
When your application has been registered as ‘valid’ we may consult on it.
The way we consult depends on the type and scale of your application. We do this through one or more of the following:
- individual letters to neighbours
- site notice - usually attached to a lamp post or other fixture near to the site
- press notice - in the local press
- publish it online – on our online planning register
In some circumstances we are required to consult certain organisations (as prescribed by planning law). This may for example include organisations such as Historic England and Transport for London for their views on an application. If the site of the application is near the boundary with another London borough, we may also consult that borough.
Our consultation standards are set out in our Statement of Community Involvement.
Assessment of your application
A case officer will make a full assessment of your application after the consultation period has ended. The officer will visit the site as a part of the assessment process.
The assessment will take into account relevant development plan policies and any other material considerations for determining the application. These considerations could include:
- local and national policies – see our planning policy pages
- observations from visiting the site
- responses received during the consultation period
The officer will write a report setting out their assessment of your proposal and make a recommendation that planning permission is approved or refused.
Application Status updates
Following the validation of an application, an acknowledgement will have been sent to the applicant/agent. This will detail the application process timeline and how to contact us. While the application is undetermined, if applicant /agent has any questions on the progress, please use the contact details sent in the letter. If you have done this but would like more information on the application status, a request for an update or more information can be made using the Status update form.
Making a decision on your application
The final decision on an application can be made either:
- under delegated powers – this means that senior officers have been given the power to make a decision on behalf of the council
- by the Development Committee*.
*Applications that raise a significant level of local comment, or are for development over a certain scale or of a scale that triggers referral to the Mayor of London are determined by the Development Committee and Strategic Development Committee. Some applications in Fish Island and parts of Bromley by Bow are determined by the London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC). Find out more about the LLDC’s planning powers and decision making.
Decision notice is issued
We will send you a decision notice outlining whether permission has been granted or refused and the delegated report will set out how we came to that decision.
We will usually tell you our decision within eight weeks. The time limit for large or complex applications is 13 weeks or 16 weeks if an application is subject to an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). This timeframe may be extended if you have entered into a Planning Performance Agreement (PPA) as part of your application.
If permission is granted it may be subject to certain planning conditions including further details that have to be approved before development begins. If planning permission is refused the decision notice will explain the reasons for refusal.
When permission is granted
When permission is granted, you have three years to start work on your development (unless otherwise stated in a condition attached to the planning permission). If you haven’t started work after three years, you will need to re-apply for planning permission.
Construction Management Plan Service
The council requires a Construction Management Plan and Site Environmental Management Plan to be submitted for approval before starting any work on site. The council will monitor compliance with these documents throughout the development.
Check what the service has to offer on the Construction Management Plan Service page.
Appealing a decision
If your application is refused you may wish to appeal the decision
Read more information on appealing against a decision.