The Pavement Licence will change on Sunday 1 September 2024

The Levelling Up and Regeneration Act has made the pavement licensing regime (under the Business and Planning Act 2020) permanent with some changes.

The licence fee structure will change from 1 September 2024: £500 for a new licence and £350 for renewals (for six months). 

This change helps us cover some of the cost of issuing, managing and enforcing these licences.

Pavement Licence application

A pavement licence is to allow a public house, wine bar, other drinking establishments, restaurants, cafés or dessert bar to put tables chairs and associated furniture on the Public Highway abutting their premises, where there is sufficient space to do so.

Consideration will be given to applications no further than one metre from the premise building line and where they allow, a minimum of  two metres for pedestrian access between street furniture, kerb edge and crossing points.

The licence is temporary and valid for six months.

The licence is a printed document that specifies the conditions and must be displayed in the business window.

Pavement licence conditions (2020)

  1. Loudspeakers/amplified music shall not be located in the entrance lobby or outside the premise building.
  2. Notices shall be prominently displayed requesting patrons to respect the needs of local residents and businesses and leave the area quietly when drinking and consuming food in the external/outside area
  3. Chairs and tables must not be provided for customer use between the hours of 21:00 and 09:00 Sunday – Monday
  4. Chairs and tables must be removed from the public highway overnight.
  5. Staff to monitor and check the perimeter of the premises for litter and to ensure that area directly around the external seated area is kept clean and tidy.
  6. Premises must provide bins for discarded cigarette butts.
  7. Licence displayed in business window.
  8. If the council receives complaints/mis-use of tables and chairs, the licence will be reviewed, if not resolution the licence may be withdrawn
  9. Pavement Licence must be displayed in window where it can be clearly seen.
  10. Area of Licence must about the premises will not be greater than one metre from the premises.
  11. Area of Licence must allow for at least 2 metres clearance to street furniture and kerb.
  12. Food and drink can only be consumed from the business licenced.
  13. Licence holders must make reasonable provision for outside seating where smoking is not permitted.
  14. Valid business protection public liability insurance with clause covering ‘outside use’ is to exist
  15. The licensed space is to be clear of rubbish and waste at end of daily licence duration
  16. Persons illegally trading, begging, and soliciting are to be removed by the licence holder
  17. The licensed area is to be inspected by the licence holder hourly to clean, clear and tidy
  18. Items that damage the footway are not to used, nor is an item to be secured to it
  19. Patio heaters and awning, other than side less parasols are prohibited (planning consent required)
  20. Electrical generators are not to be used. Electrical power may be provided from the premise and this supply is to be in accordance with Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and all other relevant Regulations.

Apply for a pavement licence

  1. Download the public notice form
  2. Fill in the notice form
  3. Take a photograph of the completed notice form in the business window.You will need to upload it as part of the pavement licence application process
  4. Start the application process

Apply for a Pavement Licence