The Pavement Licence will change on Sunday 1 September 2024

The Levelling Up and Regeneration Act has made the pavement licensing regime (under the Business and Planning Act 2020) permanent with some changes.

The licence fee structure will change from 1 September 2024: £500 for a new licence and £350 for renewals (for six months). 

This change helps us cover some of the cost of issuing, managing and enforcing these licences.

Public footway licence

Are you looking for:

Pavement Licence application:

A pavement licence is to allow a public house, wine bar, other drinking establishments, restaurants, cafés or dessert bar to put tables chairs and associated furniture on the Public Highway abutting their premises, where there is sufficient space to do so.

Go to the Pavement licence application page.

Tables and chairs, temporary furniture and shop front displays

You need a licence in order to place tables, chairs or other temporary furniture on a public footway/pavement. You also need a licence for a shop front projection display/A board. Patio heaters and awnings (other than sideless parasols) are prohibited.

A licence is temporary and valid for six months, and is renewable for further periods of six months. The licence is a printed document and specifies any conditions attached to it. A licence is issued to an individual who is in attendance at the premise, rather than to a premise, partnership or company. It is not transferable to another person. 

The application fee for tables and chairs is £130 for up to six months. For shop front projection displays or a board the fee is £15.50 for six months. The use of the footway is additionally charged at £1.30 per square metre per day.

We will not give you a refund if:

  • we refuse your application
  • you withdraw your application

The charge has to be paid at least four weeks in advance, but can also be paid for up to six months in advance. The licence will lapse immediately if the charge is not paid. The charge is not refundable irrespective of whether a licence is surrendered or withdrawn.

Apply for a licence

To apply for a licence please visit the licence account portal.

For more information please call 020 7364 1717. 

Isolated pitch

We will consider applications for isolated pitches such as flower/coffee vendors. Applicants are required to identify an isolated pitch location.

When we receive your application we will carry out a consultation process with organisations such as the police, Transport for London if the location is within a red route, planning etc. Because of this consultation, the time it takes to process applications varies. Once the application has been evaluated, you will either receive a written formal offer of a licence or refusal of the application.

The application fee for an isolated pitch is £15.50 for up to six months. The use of the footway will be charged at £41.30 per weekday, £56.80 each Saturday, and £58.80 each Sunday.

The application fee is non-refundable.

Licence criteria

These criteria are taken into account when issuing a licence:

  • there must remain 1.8 metres (6 feet) of clear, unobstructed footway
  • footfall during period of licence
  • crowding to view the display and or queuing for access
  • street furniture and configuration that impacts on the space
  • building fire exits
  • bus, cash point, post office queues
  • the visual impact of the intended moveable structures
  • the street market designation and/or parking provision in place
  • close proximity of premises licensed for the sale of alcohol
  • close proximity of residential buildings
  • clear and unobstructed sightlines to and from the carriageway.

For more information see the application guidance notes.

Application evaluation process

  • Site visit made by council officer
  • Consultation with interested parties such as Transport for London (Red Route Areas) and the Safer Neighbourhood Police Teams, the Council licensing and planning sections.
  • Once the application is approved or rejected, you will either receive a written formal offer of a licence or refusal.

To accept an offer applicants need to upload the following documents:

  • a valid passport
  • proof of address (no mobile phone bills)
  • public liability insurance with £5m (Public footway licence)

If you fail to provide the requested documentation the application will be deemed to be withdrawn.

If you haven’t heard from us within seven working days, please contact us. We must process your application before it can be granted.


To apply please visit the licence account portal.

For more information please call 020 7364 1717. 

Appealing a failed application

If your application is refused or you have a complaint regarding a failed licence please contact us.

Consumer complaints

We would always advise that in the event of a complaint the first contact is made with the trader by you - preferably in the form a letter (with proof of delivery). If that has not worked, if you are located in the UK, Citizens Advice will give you advice. From outside the UK contact the UK European Consumer Centre.

Contact us

Market Services
131 Commercial Street (not Commercial Road)
E1 6BJ

Tel: 020 7364 1717 

Opening hours: Tuesday to Thursday, 10am to 3pm

Further information