Lister House and Treves House
Update - 21 August 2019
Lister House and Treves House to be refurbished
At a meeting on Tuesday 13 August 2019, residents were advised by former Mayor John Biggs that following a report from the Lister and Treves (Residents) Working Group, recommendations to repair rather than replace the buildings would be progressed.
At a previous meeting with the former Mayor in July 2017, residents were advised that due to the estimated high cost of repairing and insulating the buildings, other options being investigated were to demolish the buildings to build replacement council homes. It was agreed at this meeting, however, that further discussions with residents were required, the stock condition reports (from 2016) would be shared and that a working group would be established with residents to explore refurbishment costs and redevelopment options in detail.
An independent technical advisor funded by the council was chosen by residents, and studied the condition reports in conjunction with the surveyors who had undertaken the 2016 surveys. Following this work - which included site visits, meetings and reviewing information provided by Tower Hamlets Homes and the council - it was established that whilst the 2016 surveys results were accurate, a lower cost major works programme would be another option. Whilst this would mean not recladding the buildings, the cost of not reducing heating costs would be offset by huge savings with the major works costs. Homes and common areas could still be repaired and improved to extend the life of the building.
Endorsed by the working group’s report and feedback from residents attending the meeting of 13th August, the council and Tower Hamlets Homes will move forward with these recommendations and in the coming weeks notify residents when the works will be taking place. Tower Hamlets Homes will also consult with Lister and Treves residents in addition to the statutory process with leaseholders with regard to recharging for major works.
Chronology of documents for Lister & Treves House