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Free 24 hour helpline for children. Trained volunteer counsellors provide advice, comfort and support to children and young people who may feel they have nowhere else to turn.
Tel: 0800 1111
The Hideout
A space to help children and young people understand domestic abuse and how to take positive action if it is happening to them.
A website for young people, highlighting healthy behaviour in relationships through a variety of quizzes and games.
London Survivors Gateway
Offers victims and survivors of rape and sexual abuse help to access specialist services in London. They provide information on what help is available in London after rape, sexual assault, sexual abuse or any form of sexual violence and offer support to access these services.
They work with anyone aged 13 or above regardless of gender, sexuality, disability, language, ethnicity or immigration status.
Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm
Tel: 0808 801 0860
Young Women and Girls’ Advocate provides 1-to-1 and/or group work with young women aged between 11- 18 years, who have experienced or are at risk of sexual violence, including but not limited to sexual exploitation, rape, ‘gang’ sexual involvement, prostitution and trafficking.
Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday mornings
10am to 12pm
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons
2.30pm to 4.30pm
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings
6pm to 8:00pm
Tel: 020 7683 1270
07717 308 618
National Youth Advocacy Service
Offer information, advice, advocacy and legal representation to children, young people and vulnerable adults (up to 24 years) through a network of dedicated paid workers and volunteers throughout England and Wales.
Tel: 0808 808 1001
Head office: 0151 649 8700
Respect Not Fear
A website for young people about healthy relationships, honour based abuse, female genital mutilation and an LGBT section, all with games and activities.
Provides resources, training and support for professionals who work directly with children and young people, to help them to stay safe online.
SignHealth's Domestic Abuse Service is a specialist service for Deaf adults and children who have experienced or witnessed abuse. We are the only domestic abuse service in the UK that communicates with Deaf people directly, using a variety of communication methods, predominantly British Sign Language (BSL). We are a team of IDVAs, YPVAs and a children and family worker that work with professionals and the client to ensure the best support.
Who the service is for?
People who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. We support people of all genders, sexuality, and religion.
Tel: 020 3947 2600
SMS: 07800 003421
Depaul UK
Focuses on young people in crisis and beyond. They support young people by:
Offering a safe place to stay in a crisis,
Helping them to take the step from homelessness into stable housing,
Providing specialist long-term support to help get lives back on track.
Projects include ‘Nightstop’ that provides a bed for the night for young people who need it, in a moment of crisis. Also ‘Alone in London’ delivers a range of services to young people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, including developing young people's skills and providing the resources they need to secure sustainable and safe housing.
Tel: 020 7939 1220
1:1 support for young people exploited from London
Specialist support for young women
Help manage risk and safeguarding
Support to move away from criminal exploitation
Family support
Help build network analysis through pan London intel gathering
An out of hour’s phone number for professionals operated by St Giles Trust
Monday to Friday 9am-5pm
Tel: 020 7686 0520
Advance’s Maia service
Advance’s Maia service is part of the wider Maia & LIFT partnership. Chance UK, delivers the LIFT programme, offering mentoring to young women and girls from the age of 9 to 13, in one-to-one sessions with professional youth workers as well as group work.
Tel: 0800 059 0117