Heritage Impact Statement
Local Planning application requirements
A statement which considers the special significance of heritage assets and / or the conservation area setting, and the harm or impacts caused by the development proposal.
For listed buildings, the assessment should include a schedule of works to the listed building(s). An analysis of the significance of archaeology, history and character of the building / structure. Its setting and the setting of the adjacent listed buildings may be required.
The scope and degree of detail necessary in the written justification will vary according to particular circumstances of each application.
Further guidance can be found in Historic Environment - Good Practice In Planning Notes 1, 2 and 3
To check whether a building is listed use our online interactive mapping.
When required
Required on all applications where the proposal impacts on the setting of heritage assets, listed buildings or conservation areas or involves demolition to listed buildings or in conservation areas or involves disturbance of ground within an Area of Archaeological Potential.