Transport statement

Local Planning application requirements


Transport statements are intended to identify the likely impacts of those schemes which may not be of a scale to warrant a full Transport Assessment. These are intended to be used to understand the likely impacts from a development on an area and any increase in traffic, public transport use and local parking availability.

As a minimum, a transport statement should include:

  • the PTAL of the site
  • the expected trip generation
  • details of access to public transport and any other sustainable modes of transport in the area
  • expected impact on parking.

A parking survey may be required in support of transport statements, depending on the parking stress in the area. You are advised to speak to Highways officers at an early stage to establish the scope of the document required and to determine whether other studies might also be necessary dependent on your site. 

When required

A transport statement should be submitted as part of applications for:

  • Operational development or change of use to schools and nurseries, hospitals or places of worship
  • Any proposal for operational development or change of use of premises to provide 100sqm or more floorspace in use classes A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, B1 or D2
  • Any other minor development (including residential) which may give rise to transport impacts due to the site location, level of parking proposed, PTAL rating, existing parking stress and other factors.
