Biodiversity Survey and Report, Urban Greening Statement and Ecology Assessment

Local Planning application requirements


Required to demonstrate biodiversity enhancement and if proposals are likely to have an impact on wildlife and biodiversity. Where a proposed development may have possible impacts on wildlife and biodiversity, information should be provided on existing biodiversity interests and possible impacts on them to allow full consideration of those impacts.

Householder applications are unlikely to have impacts on important wildlife habitats, but might affect protected species, particularly bats. Where appropriate, accompanying plans should indicate any significant wildlife habitats or features and the location of habitats of any species protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 or the Conservation (Natural Habitats etc.) Regulations 1994.

The details of ways in which a development will protect and enhance biodiversity through on-site measures, including green roofs and walls, planting and artificial nesting sites should be set out. Enhancements should contribute to objectives in the Local Biodiversity Action Plan. In relation to Urban Greening, an assessment based on the urban greening factor model in accordance with the London Plan policy G5 should be provided.

When required

Required for all major development, and sites within or adjacent to sites of importance for nature conservation (SINC), and other applications where the proposal is likely to have an impact on wildlife and biodiversity. Applications that may trigger the requirement for a protected species survey include:

  • if within 50m of woodland, water, lines of trees or Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation
  • if affecting any buildings, structures, features or locations where protected species are known to be present
  • if involving lighting of churches, listed buildings and open spaces
  • if affecting trees (especially old or large trees), woodland and hedgerows
  • if involving demolition or affecting the roof void of old (pre-1914) buildings
  • if affecting derelict land, allotments, railway land, bridges tunnels, cellars and similar underground structures.
