Noise Impact Assessment and Mitigation Details
Local Planning application requirements
A noise Impact assessment should outline the potential sources of noise generation, and how these may have a negative effect on local amenity. The assessment should also outline how the developer intends to overcome following issues.
Compliance with Tower Hamlets Code of construction, details of noise predictions, location of monitoring points, reducing impacts, best practicable means of minimising noise impact, threshold values, procedures for recording, reporting and monitoring noise results.
Noise impact assessments should comply with relevant British Standards and guidelines. Please see Planning Practice Guidance - noise.
Sound insulation
Sound insulation details normally relate to the type of glazing to be installed, but can include soundproofing to walls, floors or ceilings and may need to include details of any proposed ventilation where the glazing may need to be closed to safeguard the internal acoustic environment. Where noise is likely to be an issue, applicants are advised to contact The Pollution Group prior to the submission of a planning application.
Sound insulation details will be required for the following types of applications:
- Change of use to A3, A4, A5
- conversion of buildings to residential use
- new residential development sited on classified roads
- new residential nearby to licensed premises
- development adjacent to the A12
- new commercial development within use Classes B2 or B8 nearby to existing residential development
- any application for nightclub or equivalent use.
Certain developments such as day nurseries, play areas, smoking shelters and educational/places of worship can generate noise and may warrant noise assessments/sound insulation details but this will be determined on a site by site basis.
When required
Required for developments that raise issues of disturbance by noise generating equipment or uses, to the occupants of nearby existing buildings.
Developments that are considered to be noise sensitive which are close to existing sources of noise, should be supported by a noise assessment prepared by a suitably qualified acoustician.
Acoustic (Noise) report guidance for acousticians