Energy assessment and Overheating Mitigation

Local Planning application requirements


This statement should outline the environmental sustainability measures that have been incorporated into the proposal including managing heat risk. The outcomes of any energy rating assessment should accompany this information.

Energy assessments must:

  • be submitted at the planning application stage, not submitted post planning in response to a condition
  • commit to reducing regulated CO2 emissions below those of a development compliant with Part L 2013 of the Building Regulations through energy efficiency measures alone
  • demonstrate how the zero carbon target for residential developments will be met, with at least a 45 per cent on-site reduction beyond Part L 2013 and proposals for making up the shortfall to achieve zero carbon
  • demonstrate at least a 45 per cent on-site reduction beyond Part L 2013 for non-residential development. Developments comprised of both domestic and non-domestic uses must demonstrate this target has been achieved for domestic and non-domestic uses separately
  • include information demonstrating that the risk of overheating has been mitigated through the incorporation of passive design measures
  • demonstrate that connection to existing or planned district heating networks has been prioritised and provide correspondence to support this
  • commit to a site-wide heat network to allow connection to existing or planned district heating networks identified in the area
  • commit to a single energy centre to supply the site-wide heat network
  • investigate suitable low carbon and/or renewable heating plant for installation within the energy centre if connection can’t be made to an area wide network
  • investigate and commit to maximising the installation of renewable technologies (including the potential for storage) on site
  • include information on how the building’s actual energy performance will be monitored post-construction
  • align with related documents and assessments that are submitted as part of the planning application, e.g. Air Quality Assessments, Environmental Impact Assessments.

When required

Required for all major developments
